Before I Die…

A powerful art project, turned into a wonderful book:

After los­ing some­one she loved, artist Candy Chang painted the side of an aban­doned house in her neigh­bor­hood in New Or­leans with chalk­board paint and sten­ciled the sen­tence, “Be­fore I die I want to _____.” Within a day of the wall’s com­ple­tion, it was cov­ered in col­or­ful chalk dreams as neigh­bors stopped and re­flected on their lives. Since then, more than 1,000 Be­fore I Die walls have been cre­ated in over 70 coun­tries and sten­ciled in over 35 lan­guages by pas­sion­ate peo­ple all over the world. This full-color hard­cover book is an in­spir­ing cel­e­bra­tion of these pub­lic walls and the sto­ries be­hind them. Filled with hope, fear, humor, and heart­break, Be­fore I Die pre­sents an in­ti­mate por­trait of the dreams within our com­mu­ni­ties and a chance to pon­der life’s ul­ti­mate ques­tion with the peo­ple around us. The Be­fore I Die book is a re­cip­i­ent of a 2014 Amer­i­can Li­brary As­so­ci­a­tion award and Pub­lish­ers Weekly calls it, “a pow­er­ful and valu­able re­minder that life is for the liv­ing, and it’s never too late, or too early, to join the party.”

Go to Before I Die to see boards from around the world.  Better yet, make your own!